Teacher’s corner:
Homework: Finish math, page 24-25, ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (if not finished in
Math: This week we have
been working on equations and problem solving with a variable.
goals are:
- to be able to create equations with a variable to a
given problem
- to be able to recognise that more than equation can
be created for a given problem
Studies: We continue our work on a long-term
project that focuses on the natural resources of Canadian regions.
Students are to imagine that they are part of a TV
series on natural resources of Canada and their goal is to inform Canadians on
the following topics:
How a particular natural resource is used in a
particular region (industries, jobs, hobbies)?
Why this natural resource is important for the quality
of life in that Canadian region? (industries, jobs, cultural aspect, society)
What are the environmental concerns linked to the
extraction and processing of that natural resource?
How the perspective of the Indigenous people
influenced the way they used this resource in the past?
All work will be done in Google Drive.
Times for the November Parent/Teacher Conferences
Hello families,
Just a reminder that November's Parent/Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 5 are next THURSDAY, November 21 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm. There is no school for students on Thursday. On Wednesday, November 20, our Kindergarten students have Student/Involved Conferences so their is no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20. Grades 1-5 have regular school on Wednesday. Friday is a Professional Learning Day for teachers so there is no school for students on this day. The conference booking system opens tomorrow at 4:00 for families. Please see the VAS website for a reminder of other non-instruction days throughout the school year. This information can be found at: http://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/varsityacres/Pages/default.aspx under 'Calendar'. |