Thursday, November 14, 2019

Le 14 novembre

Teacher’s corner:
Homework: Finish math, page 24-25,  ex. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (if not finished in class).
Math: This week we have been working on equations and problem solving with a variable. 
Our goals are:

- to be able to create equations with a variable to a given problem
- to be able to recognise that more than equation can be created for a given problem

Social Studies: We continue our work on a long-term project that focuses on the natural resources of Canadian regions.

Students are to imagine that they are part of a TV series on natural resources of Canada and their goal is to inform Canadians on the following topics:

-       How a particular natural resource is used in a particular region (industries, jobs, hobbies)?
-       Why this natural resource is important for the quality of life in that Canadian region? (industries, jobs, cultural aspect, society)
-       What are the environmental concerns linked to the extraction and processing of that natural resource?
-       How the perspective of the Indigenous people influenced the way they used this resource in the past?

All work will be done in Google Drive.

Times for the November Parent/Teacher Conferences
Hello families,

Just a reminder that November's Parent/Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 5 are next THURSDAY, November 21 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm.  There is no school for students on Thursday.

On Wednesday, November 20, our Kindergarten students have Student/Involved Conferences so their is no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20.  Grades 1-5 have regular school on Wednesday

Friday is a Professional Learning Day for teachers so there is no school for students on this day.

The conference booking system opens tomorrow at 4:00 for families.

Please see the VAS website for a reminder of other non-instruction days throughout the school year.  This information can be found at: under 'Calendar'.