Thursday, October 31, 2019

Le 31 octobre

Today we spent the day working with Relay Education on a science project. This is what we did:

1. We were working on wind turbines and writing down how many Volts of electricity it produced depending on the angle of the blades and how big or small the blades were and on the angle of the fan. (Zan)

2. We also our own turbines using big water bottles as a base, corks, generators and other materials. We measured hiw many Volts they produced using the fan as the wind. (Hugo)

3. We also created series and parallel circuits using copper wire, alligator clips, Christmas lights. (Erica)

4. The best result was produced by Turbino: 0.32 Volts and the second place went to The 4 Lemons with the result of 0.30 Volts. (Caylee, Cohen)

5. We also talked about sources of renewable energy and non-renewable energy. (Evan)

Have your math quiz and self-assessment signed.

We filled up our marble jar! Pajama day on Monday: you can bring a stuffy (of a reasonable size). J

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Le 30 octobre

Teacher’s corner:
Remembrance Day assembly is on Friday, November 8th at 10:30am: rm. 18 is practising a song ‘La Colombe’ on ukuleles, bells and drums to present at the assembly. Students that are willing to share their artwork and poems will do so as well.

Guides and Scouts are to wear their uniforms for the Remembrance Day assembly.

Social Studies: This week we have begun our work on a long-term project that focuses on the natural resources of Canadian regions.
Students are to imagine that they are part of a TV series on natural resources of Canada and their goal is to inform Canadians on the following topics:

-       How a particular natural resource is used in a particular region (industries, jobs, hobbies)?
-       Why this natural resource is important for the quality of life in that Canadian region? (industries, jobs, cultural aspect, society)
-       What are the environmental concerns linked to the extraction and processing of that natural resource?
-       How the perspective of the Indigenous people influenced the way they used this resource in the past ?

Today students have chosen their natural resource and the region(s) they will be researching. All work will be done in Google Drive.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Le 29 octobre

1. Today some of us started working on the good copies of Remembrance Day art. (Georgia)

2. Today we started reading Swindle again (Cohen).

3. En Français we started doing grammar: le verbe aller au Présent (Present tense). (Solvay)

4. Today in science we learned about and built short circuits. (Erica)

5. Today we had gym and we started working on catching and throwing skills. (Simon)

Teacher’s corner:

Art: Today students working on Remembrance Day art. We looked at the various art work and analysed composition, symbols and messages that the artwork conveyed. We looked at the examples of work by the British artist Jacqueline Hurley who specialises in War art.
Students started working on the rough copies (at least 2) of their Remembrance Day art that has to convey a message.
After the art work is completed, students will either write a poem based on their art or describe what message it coveys. Students that want to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, will present their art work.

Remembrance Day assembly: rm. 18 is practising a song ‘La Colombe’ on ukuleles, bells and drums to present at the assembly. Students that are willing to share their artwork and poems will do so as well.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Le 28 octobre

Teacher’s corner:
Math: today we did our quiz on patterns.

Art: Today students working on Remembrance Day art. We looked at the various art work and analysed composition, symbols and messages that the artwork conveyed. We looked at the examples of work by the British artist Jacqueline Hurley who specialises in War art.
Students started working on the rough copies (at least 2) of their Remembrance Day art that has to convey a message.
After the art work is completed, students will either write a poem based on their art or describe what message it coveys. Students that want to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, will present their art work.

Remembrance Day assembly: rm. 18 is practising a song ‘La Colombe’ on ukuleles, bells and drums to present at the assembly. Students that are willing to share their artwork and poems will do so as well.