1. Today some of us started working on the good copies of Remembrance Day art. (Georgia)
2. Today we started reading Swindle again (Cohen).
3. En Français we started doing grammar: le verbe aller au Présent (Present tense). (Solvay)
4. Today in science we learned about and built short circuits. (Erica)
5. Today we had gym and we started working on catching and throwing skills. (Simon)
Teacher’s corner:
2. Today we started reading Swindle again (Cohen).
3. En Français we started doing grammar: le verbe aller au Présent (Present tense). (Solvay)
4. Today in science we learned about and built short circuits. (Erica)
5. Today we had gym and we started working on catching and throwing skills. (Simon)
Teacher’s corner:
Art: Today students working on Remembrance Day art. We looked at the various art work and analysed composition, symbols and messages that the artwork conveyed. We looked at the examples of work by the British artist Jacqueline Hurley who specialises in War art.
Students started working on the rough copies (at least 2) of their Remembrance Day art that has to convey a message.
After the art work is completed, students will either write a poem based on their art or describe what message it coveys. Students that want to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, will present their art work.
After the art work is completed, students will either write a poem based on their art or describe what message it coveys. Students that want to participate in the Remembrance Day assembly, will present their art work.
Remembrance Day assembly: rm. 18 is practising a song ‘La Colombe’ on ukuleles, bells and drums to present at the assembly. Students that are willing to share their artwork and poems will do so as well.