Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Le 19 novembre

Teacher’s corner:

Social Studies: We continue working on our project that focuses on the natural resources of Canadian regions. Students have been gathering information about natural resources and regions they are researching. All the notes taken by the students are in Google drive. Next week we’ll look how to organize all the information into paragraphs in order to answer the questions of the research:

-       How a particular natural resource is used in a particular region (industries, jobs, hobbies)?
-       Why this natural resource is important for the quality of life in that Canadian region? (industries, jobs, cultural aspect, society)
-       What are the environmental concerns linked to the extraction and processing of that natural resource?
-       How the perspective of the Indigenous people influenced the way they used this resource in the past?


Science test is on Tuesday, November 26
Students received the list of concepts to review today and started reviewing at school. We will continue reviewing tomorrow.

For our up-coming Grade 5 science project we are seeking Christmas lights. If you have Christmas lights that you may no longer be needing, please send them to school. Thank you.

Bring one or two shoe boxes on Monday, November 25th for the project.