Tuesday, January 7, 2020

le 7 janvier

Teacher’s corner:

Physical Education: students worked in partners, practising warm-up exercises leading to gymnastics. Gymnastics are starting this week. Please wear comfortable clothing and a have a hair tie ready if your hair is long.

Maths: Today we started working on sorting quadrilaterals according their characteristics.

Goal 1: to know what quadrilateral is and to know their names: square, rectangle, trapeze, parallelogram, rhombus (losange),

Goal 2: to be able to sort the quadrilaterals according to their characteristics.
For example: quadrilaterals that have parallel sides and have equal sides or quadrilaterals that have equal sides but no parallel sides.

Social Studies: we are finishing up our project on natural resources of a Canadian region. Monday,  Tuesday and Wednesday, we are finalizing the project and Thursday and Friday we present.