Wednesday, February 5, 2020

le 5 février

Teacher’s corner:

1. Work on your book report. Look at the calendar we made yesterday to keep track of your progress. Are you where you need to be?

2. Practise multiplication tables. A good website for practice sheets is

3.Friday is a blue, red and white day to kick off the Carnaval assembly.

4.Practise our cheer:

Hourra! Hourra! C'est le février! 

Carnaval est proche, viens jouer!

Le bonhomme Carnaval ne dit pas HO, HO, HO!

Mais il aime beaucoup le chocolat chaud, chaud, chaud!

Cabane à sucre c'est son favori!

Ça c'est pourquoi il a un grande sourire. 

Les activités comme le toboggan sont vraiment amusantes. 

Ça neige beaucoup! 

On est très excité! 

Bonhomme est ici pour patiner! 

On Wednesday, February 12, students will be provided with hot chocolate and croissants as part of our celebration of French Canadian food and culture.  If you DO NOT want your child to eat this snack, please send me an email to let me know prior to Tuesday, Feb 11 and send a special snack for your child to eat on Feb. 12.  (Thank you to VASPFS for funding this treat for the school!)