Thursday, March 12, 2020

Le 12 mars

Teacher’s corner:

Math: Students continue practising the strategies of long division. They are working on exercises and problem solving using math book. Students that have finished and have corrected their work, have started on a problem solving booklet.

Social studies:  Students started presenting where their families/ ancestors immigrated from to Canada. We put a pin in a map to indicate the country or, in most cases, multiple countries where students’ families have come from. The places listed so far are England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Finland, France, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Russia, Germany, Check Republic, Rumania, Italy, Ukraine.

Science: Today we watched a short video explaining what carbon and carbon dioxide are and where they can be found. We conducted and experiment with baking soda, vinegar and a candle to see how CO2 forms and what happens to the lit candle when CO2 is near it.
Students discussed if it was a chemical or physical change and why; as well as whether it was a reversible or irreversible change and why.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Le 11 mars

Teacher’s corner:

ELA: book report is due tomorrow. Students will have some time to practise their oral presentations and we will set up presentations schedule for next week.

Social studies:  We finished studying and taking notes about Iroquois people. This week, students have been learning and taking notes about a first nations people of their choice. Our final activity will be to compare two peoples in a Venn diagram. Some students are comparing three First nations peoples.
Next steps: we will be reading legends and stories created by First nations peoples from different regions of Canada.  

Please be ready to talk about what countries your ancestors immigrated to Canada from.

Math: See post from March 10.

Please, keep on practising times tables.

FLA: Students have to write down their answers in full, detailed sentences using correct forms of Passé Composé or Imparfait.

1. Today was the last day we worked on our book report. (Tyce)

2.  Today we wrote about goals in French reading. (Caylee)

3. Today we did social studies and kept learning about first nations people of Canada. (Clark)

4. Today we did math and we continued working on long division, using different strategies. (Victoria)

5. Today we had dance with Ajay. (Silvia)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Le 10 mars

Teacher’s corner:

1. Please sign your math quiz and return to Mme tomorrow.
2. Where did your ancestors immigrate from to Canada? (Be ready by Wednesday)

Social studies: For our history unit, that will start after the Spring break, we are asking that students find out about how their ancestors came to Canada, what generation and when. It will help us to have a conversation about how Canadian identity was pieced together. We ask that the students have that information by Wednesday.

3. Book report is due this Thursday. 

Math: This week we continue working on long division. The two strategies that we have been exploring are “box division” and the algorithm. For the algorithm, we are using mnemonic device: Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Rover to help us remember the steps. We also discussed the meaning of remainder for word problem solving. Students will be doing exercises from math books to help strengthen the strategies and practice word problems.  
Please see below what the strategies look like.
