Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Le 11 mars

Teacher’s corner:

ELA: book report is due tomorrow. Students will have some time to practise their oral presentations and we will set up presentations schedule for next week.

Social studies:  We finished studying and taking notes about Iroquois people. This week, students have been learning and taking notes about a first nations people of their choice. Our final activity will be to compare two peoples in a Venn diagram. Some students are comparing three First nations peoples.
Next steps: we will be reading legends and stories created by First nations peoples from different regions of Canada.  

Please be ready to talk about what countries your ancestors immigrated to Canada from.

Math: See post from March 10.

Please, keep on practising times tables.

FLA: Students have to write down their answers in full, detailed sentences using correct forms of Passé Composé or Imparfait.

1. Today was the last day we worked on our book report. (Tyce)

2.  Today we wrote about goals in French reading. (Caylee)

3. Today we did social studies and kept learning about first nations people of Canada. (Clark)

4. Today we did math and we continued working on long division, using different strategies. (Victoria)

5. Today we had dance with Ajay. (Silvia)