1. We were working on wind turbines and writing down how many Volts of electricity it produced depending on the angle of the blades and how big or small the blades were and on the angle of the fan. (Zan)
2. We also our own turbines using big water bottles as a base, corks, generators and other materials. We measured hiw many Volts they produced using the fan as the wind. (Hugo)
3. We also created series and parallel circuits using copper wire, alligator clips, Christmas lights. (Erica)
4. The best result was produced by Turbino: 0.32 Volts and the second place went to The 4 Lemons with the result of 0.30 Volts. (Caylee, Cohen)
5. We also talked about sources of renewable energy and non-renewable energy. (Evan)
Have your math quiz and self-assessment signed.
We filled up our marble jar! Pajama day on Monday: you
can bring a stuffy (of a reasonable size). J