Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Le 5 novembre

1. This morning we did Remembrance Day art and our poems. (Erica)

2. Today in the afternoon we made flash card with the verb aller. (Cohen)

3. We also played a game in gym called 'Queen of skittle'. (Hugo)

4. Today we continued reading Swindle. (Christina)

5. Today in music, we continued practising our song for the assembly and we also practised our poems and paragraphs for the assembly. (Elsie)

Teacher’s corner:
Remembrance Day assembly is on Friday, November 8th at 10:30am: rm. 18 is practising a song ‘La Colombe’ on ukuleles, bells and drums to present at the assembly. Students will share their artwork and poems.

Guides and Scouts are to wear their uniforms for the Remembrance Day assembly.