Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Le 26 février

1. In music, we were supposed to finish our first challenge, which was to make a superhero or villain sound track. (Elsie)

2. Today we should have finished question D of oral presentation of eth book report. (Victoria)

3. We had social studies and we continued writing notes abour we read, using Imparfait or Passé Composé. (Caylee)

Teacher’s corner:

1.     Monday is math quiz on multiplication: 2 strategies of multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.
2.     Pink Shirt day: today we watched a short film, called Ian, inspired by true events.  Students wrote about what stood out for them in the film and whether they think exclusion is a form bullying. Here is a link to the film if you’d like to watch it at home:

3.     ELA: please continue working on your book report.