Thursday, February 27, 2020

Le 27 février

Teacher’s corner:

1. Monday is math quiz on multiplication: 2 strategies of multiplying 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers.
Please practise your times tables. The website for practice sheets is

2. ELA: please continue working on your book report. Due date is March 12

3. Social Studies: Our objective is to explore and understand how traditions and life style of First nations peoples differed from one region of Canada to another. 
Students are reading factual texts about Iroquois First nations and answering questions about traditional life style. We discussed as a class what we need to do when we work with the text. Students’ goal is to be able to understand the text really well, which means they need to work with the dictionary, re-read the text, stop and check for understanding.
Students have to write down their answers in full , detailed sentences using correct forms of Passé Composé or Imparfait.

The next step is to choose another First nations people, study it and draw a diagram to compare and contrast the two First nations peoples.